According to European law, you have to give permission for the use of cookies. This cookie policy explains which cookies these are. You can accept our cookies in two ways: by closing the cookie notification you see on your first visit, or simply by continuing on our website. You continue on our website (and thus agree to the placement of all cookies) by clicking on any part of the Inonebox web pages (except for opening this cookie policy) or by browsing other pages on the Inonebox website.
A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer during a visit to a website. Information is saved in this text file. This information can be read by the website or by third parties on a later visit. Some of the cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Other cookies are used to increase the user-friendliness of the site for visitors or to show targeted advertisements on, for example, our social media channels. A JavaScript is a programme that is placed on the user’s peripheral devices and executed by them. The execution of this programme allows Inonebox to establish the location of the visitor and which actions they perform. This gives Inonebox greater insight into the behaviour of its visitors.
You can disable JavaScript and cookies. However, you should take into account that our website will then not function optimally. Methods for disabling or deleting cookies are listed here:
•    Chrome
•    Firefox
•    Internet Explorer
•    Edge
•    Safari (iOS)
•    Safari (macOS).
The cookies used by Inonebox can be divided into different categories:
Functional cookies
This category of cookies is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the website. They ensure, for example, that information from one page is carried over to the next. This means you don’t have to repeatedly fill in the same information. These cookies also ensure that certain preferences that you’ve indicated for the use of the website (such as language settings) are retained. Your prior consent is not required for the use of these cookies.
Analytical cookies
These cookies are necessary to align our website as well as possible with the wishes of our users, by determining how our visitors use our website. Mouseflow keeps track of where you click on our sites. This means we can optimise these pages to display the most relevant information in the best places. With Google Analytics, we measure the way you use our website and how you found us. We use this information to improve our site. We test any changes to our sites first by using Dynamic Yield. For more details about the cookies that these parties place and the data that can be collected with them, we refer below to the statements by these parties. Your consent is not required for the use of these cookies.
•    Google Analytics
•    Mouseflow
•    Dynamic Yield
Marketing cookies
With Google Analytics, Adwords, YouTube and Adroll cookies, we measure how you use the Inonebox website. We use this information to help you choose the product that suits you the best and to show you offers for products you may be interested in during remarketing campaigns. We use Facebook & Instagram cookies to see which products you view. This enables us to show you relevant advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. For more details about the cookies that these parties place and the data that can be collected with them, we refer below to the statements by these parties. Your consent is required for the use of these cookies.
•    Google
•    Facebook & Instagram
•    Adroll
•    Google Adwords
Social Media (plugin) cookies
You can share the content on our website with social media parties by using buttons. For more details about the cookies that these social media parties place when you click on the buttons, we refer below to the statements by these parties. Your consent is required for the use of these cookies.
•    Facebook & Instagram
•    Pinterest
•    Snapchat
From time to time, Inonebox may make changes to this cookie policy without notifying you, for example because the website or the cookie regulations have changed. Changes will take effect immediately after these have been published on the website. We therefore advise you to consult this cookie policy regularly in order to remain informed about any changes and, if desired, to change the settings. By continuing to use this website, you agree to any changes to the cookie policy.


Inonebox gebruikt analytische en advertentiecookies, zowel first-party en third-party, om onze services te verbeteren en uw winkelervaring te personaliseren. Als u doorgaat met browsen op onze website, gaan wij ervan uit dat u akkoord gaat met het gebruik van dergelijke cookies. Klik hier om onze volledige privacy policy te lezen.